Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sort Of, But Not Really

It’s Easter Sunday.

No, wait it isn’t really. We did that already.

However, for all of my Christian and Catholic friends, it is Resurrection Sunday.

And they still call it Easter. The Easter Bunny still comes. He leaves eggs at church.


But there it is. What can you say? It’s a tradition.

So to all of you fabulous people celebrating Easter today, Happy Easter.

Truthfully, as it is an American Holiday, the Easter bunny came by here too. My little one put on her fancy new Easter dress and hunted for eggs in the yard. I made a ham. It was delicious.

When I was little, my grandpa used to take me to church on Easter. I got to wear a fancy dress and sing songs and get candy. It was awesome. I felt all grown up going to church with grandpa.

Anyway, to all of you out there celebrating, whatever you are celebrating, have a great day!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

One Night With The King

Today my Jewish friends celebrate Purim. Of all the Jewish holidays, this is one of my favorite stories.

It all starts with Esther; a lovely young Jewish girl living in Persia with her dear cousin. She ends up taken in by the King Of Persia as part of his haram. And she is such a hottie he makes her the Queen. Of course, he does not know that she is Jewish.

The King has this right hand man called Haman. He is not a nice fellow. One day he meets Esther’s cousin and Ester’s cousin refuses to bow down to him. Maybe because Haman was such a jackass. Yeah, that was probably it.


Haman gets all in his feelings and decided to exterminate the Jews. Total Nazi. And he feeds the King a line so the King goes for it.

Well Esther, being a Jew, can’t have that. All her people don’t need to die. Not for that jerk Haman.

So she has a plan. She will go see the King and she will convince him to stop this. But you can’t just go see the King uninvited. That is a good way to lose your head, even if you are the Queen.

So she prays and fasts for three days. So did every other Jew. Then she went to see the king.

And the king is delighted to see her. From what I understand, she was probably made up like a little lady treat. And the king decided to indulge. And whatever happened after that must have been something because the King offered Esther anything her little heart desired. And what did Esther want? To save her people. And have Haman hanged from the very gallows he built to hang the Jews. And for good measure they hanged his kids too.

And so the Jewish celebrate their triumph over evil.

And to celebrate, they generally fast the day before Purim and the day of they are commanded to “eat, drink and be merry.” They have feasts and give food to others. They give to charity. They read the story of Esther aloud and boo and hiss when Haman is mentioned. They eat cookies called Hamantashen witch are triangular and fruit filled.

Sounds like a fun time.

(FYI… the story of Esther is in the bible as well, but I am pretty sure she keeps all her clothes on.)

And why should witches care?

Because those who are accepting of others will be accepted themselves. Karma. What you give, you get returned to you threefold. Remember that.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

In Like A Lion

The old saying goes March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. That is why March’s full moon is called the Storm Moon. Native American’s call it the Worm Moon, as now is the time when the ground softens, the earth worms come out, and the robins return.

Of course, if you live in the desert like I do, rain may seem like a far-fetched dream. Perhaps a nice rain talisman would help…


Let’s talk about aquamarine.

Aquamarine is a light blue stone, also called blue beryl. And it was once used as a stone to bring rain. It is a water element stone also used for protection for those who travel by, over or near waters. Its name is Latin meaning “Water of the Sea”. Aquamarine evokes water, the ocean and calm seas. It brings luck to sailors and is considered treasure of mermaids.

Aquamarine is the color of heaven reflected in the ocean going on for infinity. It is the pale blue of the winter sky as it gives way to spring. It is calming, soothing and cleansing. It inspires truth, trust and letting go. It is a stone of eternal youth and happiness. It can cultivate inner tranquility, cleanse the emotional body and open channels of clear and heartfelt communications. It is also a mediation aid.

It is a cooling stone. It is the stone of breath and balance. It is a stone of empowerment showing that not all power comes from force. Ancient Romans believed it would render a soldier invincible and that it was an antidote for poison. They also believed that if a figure of a frog were carved into or out of aquamarine that it would serve to make enemies into friends.

Aquamarine is the stone of Kuan-Yin, the Chinese Goddess of Mercy, Compassion and Unconditional Love. It is also the stone of Akna, the Mayan Goddess of Motherhood, as well as Kupala, the Slavonic Water Goddess.

It is the Zodiac stone of Scorpio. It is associated with the Tarot Symbol- the Hanging Man. It is a traditional gift for a 19th wedding anniversary and is said to reawaken love in married couples.

But most common of all, it is the birth stone for the month of March.

And as today is my birthday, it is my birthstone.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Spring Has Sprung!

Happy Spring!

Happy Ostara!

Blessings upon you all as the sun begins to come out and warm us up again. Extra blessings to those of you who live in cold climates. Spring is here! Feel it!

Ostara is one of the eight main holidays on the Wheel of the Year. Some scholars believe it was a festival for an old German Goddess, Ostara or Eostre. She was the Goddess of the Dawn, the Daughter of the Heavens. Some also believe she was the goddess of fertility and birth. She was celebrated during her namesake month on the old Germanic calendar, which fell near what is now April. She is considered the namesake for the festival of Easter. Her name is the derivative for the word “estrogen”. Her symbols included eggs and rabbits or hares. Some even have said it was hares or rabbits that pulled the Goddess’ chariot as she brought the dawn, although there are no writings supporting that. There are a few suggesting animals and possibly cats. Both cats and rabbits have been common animal familiars.

It is also said that it could have started form a cult following the old Norse Goddess Austra. They had long died out before Christianity hit the area. But perhaps her legend remained.

Experts agree it probably derived from ancient Celtic or Saxon spring holidays that were woven into the Christian traditions of the same time. Christians who came to the area probably realized the value of Easter to the Pagans there and tolerated the name for one of their own grandest anniversaries in order to convert people to Christianity. A lot of the traditions are similar, to include the inclusions of rabbits, eggs, sweets, baked goods and bonfires. Other religions, such as Jewish (Purim and Passover), Hindu (Holi) and Sikh (Hola Mohalla) all have important celebrations during the spring.

Modern Pagans generally celebrate it on the vernal equinox, or the first of spring, as we are right now. It is a time of renewal and rebirth. The bunnies are out enjoying fresh green. Baby chicks are hatching. Flowers are blooming. The days are getting longer. It’s a good time to plant a garden or go on a nature walk or go hiking. Open the windows and let some spring air into your homes. Have a meal of fresh vegetables and fruits. Enjoy some artichokes or asparagus; so many delicious greens and sprouts. Spring onions. Strawberries. Cherries. I am getting hungry.

Another option... Try a springtime fast to cleanse your body of winter’s toxins.

Bring in some flowers from the garden. Roses are starting to bloom. The tulips and daffodils are coming out. Bring some in and let spring inside. It’s time to wear the colors of spring. Get your pink on, your lavender, your pastels.

It is a very powerful time for magic. Incense in floral aromas like lilac and rose can help. Or try a strawberry aroma.

For me, who had to work, I got outside as much as I could and filled my office with lavender incense. (I really love my job sometimes.)

For all the rest of you… Enjoy your day and enjoy your Spring! Spring is here!


Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Wearin’ O’ The Green

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Yeah, I am Irish. I have the red hair and freckles to prove it.

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on the anniversary of the death of Saint Patrick, widely recognized as the patron saint of Ireland. It is celebrated by Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Eastern Orthodox churches to mark the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. It is said he traveled around Ireland and used the 3 leaf shamrock to explain to Holy Trinity to pagans. It is also said he drove the “snakes” from Ireland; “Snakes” being the heathen Irish pagans.


He missed!

While Christianity is quite wide spread, it certainly isn’t the end all of religious preference. In the chapel I work in we accommodate no less than 18 religious preferences.


St. Patrick’s Day is more about celebrating Ireland than anything else. And drinking. Irish whisky and a nice Guinness. And eating Irish food. Bring on the corned beef. The potatoes. (Lent restrictions are lifted during St. Patrick’s Day.)

So put on your best green and show your Irish pride, you Snakes. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

I Don’t Wear Lipstick… But If I Did, It Would Be Red

Why does wearing red lipstick make women feel so powerful?

Red has always been my color. Being a redhead to begin with sort of drew me to it. But there has always been something.

Red inspires passion. It is inspiration itself. The color brings about creativity. It is power. It is protection. It gives you energy, vitality, power and courage. But be careful, red can bring out the aggression and the impulsiveness too. Too much can bring on anxiety, stress and agitation.

Stop signs and warning signs are red, so they get your attention.

Red can boost your body metabolism. Add to your vibrancy and passion. Add red candles to your rituals to give a boost to your confidence or your love life. Some red in the bedroom couldn’t hurt either.

So go on ladies, rock that red lipstick. 

Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick.”- Gwyneth Paltrow

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I am Woman, Hear Me Roar!

Matronalia is upon us. And you know what that means?

Gifts! For me! YAY!

I got new candles and new incense. I got rosemary mint oil. I got a new set of tarot cards with fairies on them. I got candy. My husband planted new things in the garden for me; a lilac bush; some lavender, sage, and mint. In a little greenhouse we started sunflowers and arugula.

I am loved.

Matronalia is a celebration of women that has been celebrated since the early Romans. On March 1, the first of the year, they celebrated the goddess Juno. Juno is the roman goddess of childbirth and motherhood; basically women in general. (Greek equivalent would be Hera.) Women would be allowed to wear their hair down.(Apparently that was a no-no.) There would be no work that day. They would receive gifts from their husbands and children. Men prepared special prayers for their wives. Women prepared a feast for their slaves. It was basically an early version of Mother’s Day. On the day of, in 375 B.C., they dedicated a large temple in Rome to the goddess Juno to solidify it as her day.

Why would they celebrate women on the first day of the god Mars’ month you ask? Why not June 1?

Mars was born to Juno on the first of March. Born to Juno of her own accord; she didn’t need a man. And so Mars celebrates the day of his birth as homage to his mommy.


Mars fathered twins Romulus and Remus who went on to found Rome. However, there was a severe lack of ladies in the town. So they invited the neighboring women to a festival and kept them. Married them and had children. And so to honor Juno for the blessing (of kidnapped and raped women, but wives for the men none the less) they did it on the first of the year. And since it was Mars’ son who kidnapped the women, he gave up his birthday in honor of Juno.

So one of those. Believe what you will.

In the end, bring on the presents.