Friday, May 1, 2020

Tiny Toon Adventure

Beltane is upon us and here we are… quarantined.

Sadly, we have decided to forgo the Maypole this year. We just felt like it would be too sad to see it with just the few ribbons of those who live here, rather than full of the beautiful ribbons of past years. Next year we can throw a huge party and really put that pole in the hole. Deep. And wrap it tight. (And giggle like idiots.)

This year, in compliance with my stay at home orders, we are celebrating quietly at home. As an essential worker, I am still required to work during the day, but we are able to celebrate in the evening.

Check out… Greenhaven: A Pagan Tradition

This website has many great Beltane rituals. I found the cute Looney Toons related ritual to do with my kids. You could adapt them for you. We adapted the Looney Toons for our kids and added some Disney. If you do have little witchlings, I also highly recommend Pooka Pages. It is a publication for Pagan children. Included in the publication is a great recipe for short cake that we are making this week.

We are doing a bit of baking this holiday. More than usual. Banana Bread was made last night. (Phallic shaped fruits!!) (Zucchini bread would be good too.) We made honey custard and strawberries. Lemon Ricotta cheesecake to up too. Roast with garlic and rosemary. New potatoes. Asparagus. I am also making soap. It seemed appropriate.

Life could be worse. It is for many. We know this.

May the fertility of newfound growth fill your lives with opportunity to laugh, love and grow.

So mote it be.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

A Lion's Roar

Another full moon is upon us and am I leading some fabulous ritual?


At work once again. Then again, I will be gone on a fabulous adventure. This time to take my son on a trip that was his Christmas present.

Since I am not leading any rituals, I did not write one for the occasion, although you could look back at some of my previous work for this particular full moon.

Since I haven’t written one for this full moon, also called the Quickening Moon, I leave you with this. Taken from the Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2020 (page 23).

Full Moon In Leo

The Full Moon in Leo is connected to the archetypes of the Queen, the King and the Divine Child. It is a time to embrace our personal sovereignty and to stand fully in our power. Sovereignty is about showing up with authenticity. Having agency over our bodies, sexuality, and life choices. Taking back power that has been given away or stolen. Saying no to the need for approval or for permission to be yourself. The Welsh Sovereignty goddess Rhiannon teaches us to speak from our heart and to walk with dignity and generosity of spirit no matter what challenges life brings. The Leo Full Moon also underlines the themes of creative self-expression as well as owning and celebrating our unique ways of being in the world. This Full Moon is a time to allow your creativity free reign and to bring a dream or idea to fruition. It is a time to celebrate, to cultivate confidence, and make space for pleasure.

Rhiannon, show me how to hold my head high and know that I am the sovereign queen of my own life.

Guiding Goddesses: Rhiannon, Macha, Maeve

-Danielle Blackwood

Friday, January 10, 2020

Clearing Out The Baggage

The first full moon of the year, called the Cold Moon or the Wolf Moon. And where am I? Well, rather than leading a beautiful full moon services, I am at work. Also this weekend, I am taking my family on a little trip for my son in law’s Christmas present.

Since I am not leading any rituals, I did not write one for the occasion, although you could look back at some of my previous work for this particular full moon.

So I don’t leave you hanging, here is a short spell for the full moon I found in Daily Spellbook For The Good Witch by Patti Wigington.

You will need:

A Black Candle

A Pen and Paper

A Fireproof Bowl

This spell is to be performed on the night of January’s Full Moon or one of the three nights following.

Light the black candle. Think about all the baggage that has held you back, caused you problems, or made you feel unworthy. Write down these things, and then light the paper in the candle’s flame. Place it in the fireproof bowl to burn and say:

Today I say farewell to the things that have prevented me from becoming the person I wish to be. I send you away, far from me, and far from my life. You no longer have any influence upon me. You are my past, and the past is gone. I banish you, I banish you, I banish you.

Once the paper has burned away to ashes, extinguish the flame. The next morning bury the ashes some place far away from your home.