Wednesday, February 10, 2016
And Now A Little History…
Today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of a period called Lent. Not being a Christian or a Catholic, I was unaware of what the fuss was all about. However, in the course of my fabulous job, I spend time with a Catholic priest so I took some time to get to know it this year.
Lent is celebrated by Roman Catholics as well as some Protestant faiths. (Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists and Presbyterians) It is a time of fasting and penance beginning Ash Wednesday and ending Resurrection Sunday, or Easter.
Jesus was Jewish. People of the Jewish faith regularly have periods of fasting and penance proceeding a holy time. So it must have seemed fitting that those following Jesus do the same.
It all starts on Ash Wednesday. Ashes from palm branches blessed on Palm Sunday of the previous year are used in a blessing given. Something along the lines of “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.” (Bible Verse- Genesis 3:19) In English speaking countries they make the mark of the cross on one’s forehead. In other places the ashes are simply sprinkled over the head. And thus begins 40 days and 40 nights of Lent.
Wait… I know you just counted. There are 46 days between now and Easter. Apparently Sunday’s do not count.
Anyway, back to Lent.
Generally, during the period of Lent people do a lot of fasting and prayer. Luxuries are given up. Many give up meat or animal products. It helps them to be closer to Jesus as they prepare to celebrate his resurrection as their Savior.
Why 40 days? Well, it seems that 40 days and 40 nights is kind of a trend. No section in the Bible that I can find does it give instructions for Lent. However, it does say that for 40 days and 40 nights heavy rain poured down on the earth after Noah built the Ark. (Bible Verse- Genesis 7:12) Then it says that Moses went up into the fire on Mt. Sinai unharmed. And there he stayed for 40 days and 40 nights and he spoke to the Lord. (Bible Verse- Exodus 24:18) The number 40 is even significant in the fact that the Israelites wandered the desert for 40 years. (Bible Verse- Deuteronomy 8:2)
But mostly, Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights in the desert where he was tempted by the Devil. And unlike Eve (Bible Verse- Genesis 3:6), he resisted. (Bible Verse- Matthew 4:2)
So why does a witch care one bit about Lent?
Lent… shortened from an Old English word meaning “Spring Season”. It leads right up to Easter, a Pagan celebration of fertility.
In solidarity with my friend the Catholic priest, and as a way to myself become closer to my own unique spirituality, I have given up eating out at lunch time for Lent. Not only will this help heal my body, (Fast food is not great for you.) but will help me save money for my family. It will also give me more time to get things done as I won’t have to go anywhere. My husband has given up pizza for basically the same reasons. And as my friend the Muslim Imam says, God cares only for your intent.
It’s better than sacrificing a goat. And less messy.
“Every human is descended from a Pagan ancestor because the whole world was Pagan at one time.”
Just a thought....
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