Monday, November 14, 2016

Dam Good

Tonight’s full moon is called the Beaver Moon. Perhaps it was because the Native American’s would set their beaver traps at this time to insure plenty of furs to keep them warm through the winter. Or maybe it was just the activity of the beavers themselves as they built dams to stay safe and warm through the winter. It is also called the Frost Moon, but I think you can figure out why.

Some wiccans also call this the Mourning Moon. As it would be the first full moon of the New Year, it is time to say goodbye to bad habits and toxic relationships, and get a fresh start for the New Year.

It was cold here tonight and the moon looked so huge. There were no clouds and a slight wind. My dearest husband made me a fire in the pit in the back yard. We burned lavender and had communion. It was a short service because we were freezing. The goddess will understand.

On a side note, I cannot wait to have the indoor fireplace fixed so we can have fires inside.

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